The thrust towards new media arts in many of the Asian countries seem to be caught between two parallel and related trends – a) the need to develop culturally specific and located ways of engaging with and incorporating the new information, communication, experiential and biotechnologies; and b) the need to respond to the global imperatives that drive these technologies and their related artistic developments. While the media and technological developments in these countries indicate a constant juggling between these local and global imperatives, many of the media artistic developments in these countries pose interesting ways of reevaluating and significantly expanding the current discourses and practices in art, media and technology....(Gunalan Nadarajan)
....Now let us visualise a framework for this setting in which people resonate with media through simulating processes. I remember hearing the words intelligent interfaces, disappearing computer and smart environments for the first time at a conference in Sweden, Jönschoping. Bewildered I listened to academic researchers painting scenarios of strollers in the park being able to point at trees with their smart ( rfid/bluetooth enabled) watches resulting in... a screen rising up either from the ground or next to the tree. On that screen?
...information, data rather - about that tree. I'm sitting in my chair and look around me for smiling or laughing people, but nothing. This audience, top EU researchers and technical wizards, does not think this is ridiculous, strange, unnecessary at all. Instead, on the contrary what they see is open territory, a vast unknown adventure. Room to play. Yet I visualized a framework for this setting, grasping its radical
potential immediately- as that tree had always spoken to me, as trees do to people who feel as well as see and hear. Or towers for that matters, my towers. Do they not realize that what actually matters in this vast grid of affordances that overlays so called material objects is their potential? their imaginary? Unaware they raise issues of alchemy, of witchcraft, magic....(Rob van Kranenburg)
....One of EFP’s methods is to organise accessible, ‘hands-on’ workshops that allow the audience to share knowledge and explore different forms of artistic collaboration induced by technology. Furthermore, these workshops are based on a ‘Do It Yourself’ philosophy, which enables the participants to use, subvert and adapt technologies for the specific requirements of local communities. This perspective is examined in the ‘bricolabs’ workshops, for example.
Besides participatory authorship, another goal of the EFP is to stimulate a critical and reflective approach towards technology. What are the implications this new artistic practice for art, design and sciences for Indonesian context? In discussions and presentations, the aesthetic, social and philosophical context will be analyzed and debated in order to create a critical, practice based approach towards media arts in Indonesia....(Deanna Herst)
more than 100 Artists / Scientist / Activist / Researcher / Professional / Musician / Theorist / Local Communities from
Indonesia ( Jakarta - Bandung - Yogyakarta - Surabaya - Medan - Batam - Bali - Semarang - Pekanbaru - Makasar - etc)
Astrid Almkhlaafy / UK - US
Andrej Boleslavsky / Slovakia
Michal Marianek / Czech Republic
Mar Canet / Austria
Vladimir Todorovic / Serbia
Ondřej Skala a.k.a JTNB / Czech Republic
Darina Alster / Czech Republic
Alex Scraub / Netherlands
Jan Torpus / Switzerland
Rene TA Lysloff / US
Marco Batista / Slovenia
Varvara Guljajeva / Estonia - Austria
Peter Tomaz Dobrila / Slovenia
Deanna Herst / Netherlands
Marc Dusseiller / Switzerland
Tengal / Philippines
Somaya Langley / Australia
Dan Gregor a.k.a Initi / Czech Republic
Magdalena Peševa / Czech Republic
Alessandro Carboni / Italy VENUE :
19 venue for 8 day program SCHEDULE : Featuring Presentation and Project on :
HONF - Fablab
Indonesia Bricolabs 2009
HONF lab
the house of natural fiber, yogyakarta new media art laboratory